We recently sent out an email to all of our clients asking what they felt about PushPress. It was a very simple email asking you to just rate us from 1 - 10.
In it, you can leave some reasoning for your feelings.
These two quick, very simple things will allow us to understand how we’re doing and what we can improve on. We got some useful tidbits from it already.
If you have a few seconds, please fill out that form if you haven’t already. We appreciate it!
Nightly Changes
We released a few small changes today:
Downloadable Data
In talking to a number of you over time, it’s clear that we need to start allowing you to download data in excel / spreadsheet format. We have started this initiative today.
We started in the Events section - where Carl Paoli needed the ability to download a list of people attending his seminars. Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, expect to see that feature added in other sections.
Upgraded Subscription Update
We’ve spruced up our subscription update panel. It now handles a little more functionality - and is a little more clear and to the point. To note, one thing we added was the ability to NOT send an email to a client when cancelling their subscription.
There will continually be changes coming up - keep your eye here - we’ll keep announcing updates thru the blog.